Call us for a free quote: (514)481-1134


What We Offer

Welcome to Assurances R.C. Coull Inc. Here at R.C. Coull we pride ourselves by offering a wide variety of coverage for all your needs.

Personal Property Insurance

  • Homeowners (including high value homes), Condominium Unit Owners, Tenants, Cottage and Second Home.
  • Property that is rented to others
  • Boats, Trailers, and Yachts

Automobile Insurance

  • Business or Pleasure use
  • Recreational Vehicles (Snowmobiles, ATVs, Motor Homes, Motorcycles, Mopeds, ETC…)

Business Insurance

  • Small to medium sized businesses (We offer multi-risk or “package” policies for eligible businesses such as: Offices, Contractors, Retailers, Building Owners, and many more!)
  • Home-based Businesses
  • Large Commercial Operations


  • Contract, Miscellaneous and Administration Bonds

We recommend the following companies for your other insurance needs.

  1. Travel (Emergency Medical Insurance)
    • Securiglobe +1-866-550-2444 (Please give our referral code when calling: MRR071)
  2. Life Insurance, Group Insurance, Investments and Financial Planning